Executive Branch

Lesson of the day

Executive Branch - Grades 7-12

Listen: You can hear the episode here (Apple podcasts) on YouTube, or on our website. Feel free to take notes on our graphic organizer while you do. Or, if you can get out of the house for a bit…

Walking Around Activity: Before you put in your headphones, do a bit of googling. Your state has anywhere between 3,000-150,000 offices that fall under the executive branch. What’s the closest one to your home? This episode is 21 minutes long, so go for a walk in that direction while you listen. I don’t have to say it, but I’m gonna say it anyways, be careful when you’re walking around, ok? Here, lemme walk there myself. Yeah, I need a haircut, we all need a haircut.

When you listen to the episode, keep these questions in your mind:

  • What are the extra-constitutional powers of the American President?

  • A president can work like crazy to make deals with Congress and avoid executive orders. Or, a president can say “I’m doing this by myself!” Most presidents are somewhere in between, but which of the two extremes do you think is better for the country?